
Semesters Offered

Learning Objectives

Title: Introduction to Optimization 
(with application to machine learning)

Credits: 3

Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in one of the following: ENEE290, MATH240, MATH341, or MATH461; and must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in ENEE324 or STAT400

Description: Students will be introduced to linear, nonlinear, unconstrained, constrained optimization. Convex optimization will be highlighted. Applications will be considered, in particular in the area of machine learning. Some optimization algorithms may be discussed, time permitting. Formerly ENEE469O.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand convex functions and convex sets.
  • Formulate a suitable mathematical optimization problem when given a problem description.
  • Identify whether or not an optimization problem is a convex optimization problem.
  • Find the Lagrange dual function and formulate a Lagrange dual problem when given optimization problem.
  • Use the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions to verify an optimal point for optimization problems indicating strong duality.
  • Understand the key ideas behind algorithms used to solve unconstrained and constrained optimization problems.

Topics Covered

Topics covered (subject to change):
 - Complements of linear algebra: inner product, projection, matrices as linear maps, symmetric matrices, singular value decomposition, least squares.
 - Convexity: convex sets and functions, convex optimization problems optimality conditions.
 - Linear optimization, quadratic optimization.
 - Smooth non-convex optimization: optimality conditions.
 - Application to machine learning.
 - Algorithms (as time permits): Newton's method, steepest descent, coordinate descent; penalty and barrier methods, interior-point methods,  alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM); stochastic gradient.